ALLFLIRTY.COM system was created as simple as possible, combining all features of an effective dating
service, providing for FREE the opportunity of anybody to participate and take advantage of the online dating.
Please read thoroughly the following steps and general description of the system to create your private virtual dating island with
1.Sign up for an account
2.After successful subscription you are going to receive a Welcome email with a verification link you should click on to verify and confirm your account.
3.Login using the credentials from your Welcome email
4.Inside your account on the left menu bar you are located all necessary sections to manage your account with
•Galleries menu – This is the section where you can review all online profiles of the other
•Mail menu – This is your private virtual Message center where you can
i.Compose – create new Flirts to the persons already added as your Friends
ii.Received messages - view new Flirt messages send by
iii.Sent messages - View a history of your already sent messages
•Personal profile menu – This is the section where you can:
i.Personal profile - Change/create your online profile like: Name, Age, Sex, Description e.t.c.
ii.Username/password - change your password and/or email (used only for our notifiication emails)
iii.Photos - Upload and/or delete pictures from your profile
iv.Settings - Set custom settings to your profile
v.User profile - Preview your online profile exactly as the other members shall see it
•Friends menu – This is the section where all previously marked members as Friend are listed
•Flirts menu – This is your online virtual Note Book to write and save original dating Flirt messages (those Flirts might be selected to be send to your Friends inside your Mail section -> Compose menu)
•Interesting menu – This is the section where you can see who have reviewed your profile. Please note that records are available for the last two days only
•Jokes menu – This is the section where you can read dating as well as other Jokes send to us by our members.
IMOPRTANT: We recommend you to read our Frequently Asked Questions to ensure your better and more pleasant stay with ALLFLIRTY.COM